A CRM system by itself isn’t enough! The effect of marketing capabilities and innovation orientation on CRM performance


  • Cíntia Cristina Silva de Araújo Fundação Instituto de Pesquisas Contábeis, Atuariais e Financeiras (FIPECAFI) https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8516-2479
  • Cristiane Drebes Pedron UNINOVE
  • Dirceu da Silva UNICAMP
  • Winnie Ng Picoto Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão (ISEG)




CRM system, Marketing Capabilities, Innovation Orientation, CRM Performance, Quantitative Research, Partial Least Square


Purpose: This research aims to advance the studies on the effect of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems and practices to capture and apply customer information on the perceived performance of customer relationship management and innovation-oriented culture. In addition, this paper aims to contribute to dynamic capability theory by studying the effect of dynamic capabilities through the lens of relationship marketing.

Methodology: We collected 268 responses from professionals in marketing and information technology and used Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) to test the hypotheses proposed in this research.

Originality: By measuring the mediating effect of marketing capabilities and innovation orientation on the impact that relational information has on CRM performance, one of the main contributions of this research is to show that by themselves, CRM systems and relational information cannot leverage CRM performance.

Findings: We offer new empirical evidence that highlights the need to integrate processes to capture, access, and use customer information with marketing strategies to attract new customers and increase loyalty and sales among existing ones. Our findings also show that organizations need to develop the marketing capabilities and innovation-oriented culture that will boost business intelligence and long-term, profitable relationships with customers.

Theoretical contributions: Our research contributes to the study of CRM practices and relational information processes as it highlights the value of marketing capabilities in achieving CRM performance. We also contribute to the emerging demand for studies on dynamic capabilities more focused on marketing.

Practical Implications: Deploying CRM systems without rearranging resources and building an environment where employees are encouraged to create new solutions and pursue customer satisfaction is unproductive. Insisting on quick, utopic solutions is the recipe for disillusionment. Achieving positive results in customer relationship management demands constant investments of time, training, finances, and structure.


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How to Cite

Araújo, C. C. S. de, Pedron, C. D., Silva, D. da, & Picoto, W. N. (2023). A CRM system by itself isn’t enough! The effect of marketing capabilities and innovation orientation on CRM performance. Journal of Management & Technology, 23(3), 32–61. https://doi.org/10.20397/2177-6652/2023.v23i3.2649

