Modeling it service management for effective business operations: a client-oriented approach to building it infrastructure



Empresas de TI, Negócio da informação, Negócio na Internet, Modelos de negócios Riscos


Objective: The article aims to explore the role of IT Service Management (ITSM) in aligning IT infrastructure with business strategies, focusing on a client-oriented approach. It examines how effective ITSM can contribute to building a robust IT infrastructure that maximizes efficiency and meets business goals.

Methods: The study utilizes a literature review and comparative analysis of existing ITSM frameworks and methodologies, such as ITIL, COBIT, and ISO/IEC 20000. The authors analyze different business process modeling methods, comparing their effectiveness in IT service management. The approaches examined include process-based, component-based, and service-based methodologies for IT infrastructure development.

Results: The findings highlight the importance of ITSM in aligning IT operations with business strategies, particularly by improving service quality, reducing costs, and enhancing customer satisfaction. A service-based approach, in particular, is identified as a more effective model for fostering communication between IT departments and business units, thereby optimizing service delivery. Various methods for modeling IT processes, such as data flow diagrams and workflow diagrams, are evaluated for their applicability in different business scenarios.

Contribution: The article contributes by providing a comprehensive framework for IT service management that integrates business process modeling with client-oriented strategies. It emphasizes the need for IT departments to act as service providers, focusing on delivering services that meet the dynamic needs of businesses. The research also addresses risks such as security and information availability, which are critical to maintaining effective IT operations.

Conclusion: IT service management, when aligned with business strategies, plays a crucial role in achieving operational efficiency and service excellence. The client-oriented approach to IT infrastructure development ensures that services are tailored to business needs, fostering a more competitive and resilient enterprise. The study concludes that effective ITSM can enhance a company’s ability to adapt to changing market conditions and technological advancements.


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Como Citar

Kiseleva, I., Tramova, A., Popov, A., & Khachaturova, S. (2024). Modeling it service management for effective business operations: a client-oriented approach to building it infrastructure. Revista Gestão & Tecnologia, 24(Special), 60–71. Recuperado de

