Construction of Roadmaps applicable to industry 4.0: case of the Brazilian and American companies
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Roadmap, Industry 4.0, Case study, Digital transformation, Maturity, Strategic planningResumen
Purpose:This article provides a critical analysis of the adoption of roadmaps applicable to Industry 4.0 of companies have been seeking to modernize their production by new technologies and transforming digital model.Methodology/approach: This article is a case study of two multinational companies, Company 1, managed by Brazilian entrepreneurs, and Company 2 by Americans. Based on the guidance of external consultants, both of them have formulated and built roadmaps for one of their production lines for the transformation process towards Industry 4.0.
Originality/Relevance: Two reports were generated, one referring to each company, documents that were the basis for this research, and discussing the importance of roadmaps in the digital transformation process.
Key findings: The inferences found in the results and discussion demonstrate the possibilities of the tool in the practical operations of companies, demonstrates how the tool can facilitate digitizing production since it is possible to visualize the relationship between the technological layer of the company with the maturity.
Theoretical/methodological contributions: The roadmap helps align the resources and processes of the organization with its market goals, besides allowing the temporal measurement of actions taking into account the level of technological maturity for the digitization process, it is possible to identify in practice the applicability of roadmaps in the transition to industry 4.0 in a production line.
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