Network enterprise architecture based on multiagent technology




Network enterprise architecture, Value chain, Digital twin, Digital thread, Cyber-physical production system, Asset administrative shell, Multi-agent technology


Objective: The article aims to develop a flexible architecture for network enterprises based on multi-agent technology. The goal is to enable dynamic configuration of value chains involving multiple business partners and to provide an adaptable framework for innovative product creation through the use of digital twins and digital threads.

Methods: The research employs the RAMI (Reference Architectural Model for Industrie 4.0) framework to design the architecture of network enterprises. Multi-agent technology is used to ensure the integration of business processes at different levels of management, combining horizontal and vertical integration. The implementation of cyber-physical systems through digital twins and the Asset Administration Shell is central to this approach.

Results: The proposed architecture demonstrates the ability to flexibly configure production processes, adapting to changes in market needs and technical constraints. The use of multi-agent technology enhances the adaptability, reliability, and scalability of the enterprise, ensuring seamless communication between digital and physical systems.

Contribution: This research contributes by advancing the use of multi-agent technology in network enterprises, highlighting its role in the digital transformation of production. The integration of digital twins and the RAMI framework enables greater efficiency in managing value chains, improving the response time to dynamic changes and ensuring higher flexibility in business operations.

Conclusions: The study concludes that the combination of multi-agent technology and the RAMI framework provides a robust architecture for network enterprises. This approach allows for the rapid reconfiguration of production processes and enhances the overall efficiency and adaptability of enterprises in competitive market environments. Future research is suggested to explore further operational scenarios and ensure functional suitability and security of the system.


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How to Cite

Telnov, Y., Kazakov, V., Danilov, A., & Fiodorov, I. (2024). Network enterprise architecture based on multiagent technology. Revista Gestão & Tecnologia, 24(Special), 01–15.

