


network enterprise architecture, value chain, digital twin, digital thread, cyber-physical production system


The architecture of a network enterprise for creating innovative products requires a software and technical platform for quickly configuring value chains with the involvement of the necessary business partners. It is proposed to use RAMI as an architectural framework for building a flexible and adaptive architecture of network enterprises, which is based on the use of digital twins and digital threads implemented in the form of asset administrative shells of industry systems of the 4th generation. The paper substantiates the use of multi-agent technology for implementing the architecture of network enterprises, which allows for the prompt and reliable configuration of value chains in accordance with changing needs. The paper summarizes the theoretical approaches and methodological principles of building multi-agent production systems related to the active and proactive modes of execution of microservices and the holonic organization of agents. Thus, horizontal and vertical integration of production and business processes at various levels of management of a network enterprise is ensured, the functional suitability, increases reliability and adaptability of the architecture of a network enterprise.


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Como Citar

Telnov, Y., Kazakov, V., Danilov, A., & Fiodorov, I. (2024). NETWORK ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURE BASED ON MULTIAGENT TECHNOLOGY. Revista Gestão & Tecnologia, 24(2), 66–95.

