Application of computational techniques in calculation and design works in applied mechanics
Objective: The article explores the application of computational techniques in the calculation and design of engineering structures, focusing on how these methods improve the precision and efficiency of structural analyses. The study demonstrates the practical advantages of using computational programs to calculate longitudinal forces, normal stresses, and deformations in structures.
Methods: A combination of theoretical analysis and computational simulations using the Brus program was employed. The study examined a stepped rod subjected to tensile and compressive forces. Key parameters such as stress, deformation, and displacements were calculated using computational methods.
Results: The computational techniques proved highly effective in providing accurate and efficient structural analysis results. They reduced the time needed for calculations and minimized errors, allowing for multiple design iterations. These methods also improved the safety and performance of engineering designs by enabling quick optimizations.
Conclusion: The integration of computational methods into the analysis and design of engineering structures significantly enhances both precision and efficiency. These methods offer substantial benefits for practical engineering applications and educational purposes, preparing future engineers for modern challenges in structural design.
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