Functional planning in transport interchange hubs: modernization of railway station architecture
Palabras clave:
station, multifunctional complex, transport interchange, steel reinforced concrete slab, bridge building, platform building, load-bearing floor, multi-lattice trussResumen
The purpose of the study is to explore new architectural and structural solutions that allow to modernize the existing railway stations and effectively transform them into multifunctional transport hubs. The study examines new approaches to the positioning of station buildings in cities and their equipment with infrastructure with mandatory inclusion of by-the-hour hotels. New constructive solutions providing planning, architectural, and compositional possibilities for station building design for architects are proposed. A special focus is placed on the transformation of railway stations into transport interchange hubs, which in turn can function as multifunctional complexes with a variety of functional content of the object and incorporation into their volume a transport artery to connect nearby residential areas bypassing major highways. Conclusions are drawn about the possibility of incorporating railway stations into such multifunctional complexes. The paper gives examples of design solutions for bridge and platform buildings with incorporated railway stations, which show how the architecture of railway stations can be improved by turning them into multifunctional transport interchange hubs, especially by incorporating them into the volumes of bridge or platform buildings, which significantly save construction area in cities by occupying the second level above railway tracks.
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