Qualitative methods of analysis: an example of Atlas.TI™ Software usage




Palabras clave:

Atlas.ti™, Qualitative methods, Qualitative analysis, software.


Purpose:  Atlas.ti™ provides useful analytical resources in academic research, particularly for social science disciplines. This technical report presents a case study utilizing a CAQDAS package, as example of research, to show how to utilize Atlas.ti™ version 7. This will serve as a practical guide for qualitative researchers who are beginning to use CAQDAS Atlas.ti™.

Design/methodology/approach:   Atlas.ti™  software is required to disclose an academic study data introduction, analysis and retrieval outcomes about how commitment, development and innovation contribute to resources mobilization and stimulate capacity of research, development and innovation (R&D&I) team in a traditional business.

Findings: Better outcomes have demonstrated Atlas.ti™ usage as a software that organize, retrieve, analyze data in a continuous and cyclical ways in procedures that require constantly comparison.

Practical implications: Atlas.ti™  components, such as co-occurrence code, query tool and network view are applied to support data analysis and make easier code validation and emerged categories to understand how to handle qualitative data to organize scientific qualitative approach.

Originality/value: Practical presentation of Atlas.ti™ and discussion about benefits of such technology adoption.

Biografía del autor/a

Celia Maria Ronzani, Universidade Nove de Julho UNINOVE

Pos-graduação em Administração (Stricto Sensu)

PPGA Mestrado e Doutorado em Administração

Priscila Rezende da Costa, Universidade Nove de Julho UNINOVE

Diretora | Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração

Cursos de Mestrado e Doutorado em Administração

Luciano Ferreira da Silva, Universidade Nove de Julho UNINOVE

Pos-graduação em Administração (Stricto Sensu)

PPGA Mestrado e Doutorado em Administração

Angélica Pigola, Universidade Nove de Julho UNINOVE

Pos-graduação em Administração (Stricto Sensu)

PPGA Mestrado e Doutorado em Administração

Eliane Martins de Paiva, Universidade Federal da Paraíba - UFPB

Professora de Administração
Universidade Federal da Paraíba - UFPB


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Cómo citar

Ronzani, C. M., da Costa, P. R., da Silva, L. F., Pigola, A., & de Paiva, E. M. (2020). Qualitative methods of analysis: an example of Atlas.TI™ Software usage. Revista Gestão & Tecnologia, 20(4), 284–311. https://doi.org/10.20397/2177-6652/2020.v20i4.1994

