A relationship between technostress, satisfaction at work, organizational commitment and demography: evidence from the Brazilian public sector
https://doi.org/10.20397/2177-6652/2020.v20i4.1919Palabras clave:
technostress, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, demography, public sectorResumen
The literature is full of works that highlight the positive effects of the application of information technology on business processes, including gains in terms of transparency, efficiency and effectiveness. However, there is a growing number of studies showing that, in parallel with technological innovation, phenomena occur that cause distress and malaise to the workers, with studies on technostress being highlighted, that is, the difficulty of adapting to technological innovations in the work environment. However, few studies have been carried out to understand the negative effects of this technological transformation on public servants. Thus, the objective of this study is to identify the role of technostress on job satisfaction and organizational commitment in the context of the public sector. The technique of analysis of structural equations (CB-SEM) to analyze data collected with users of information technology from a Brazilian public organization. We have identified that the technostress negatively affects the satisfaction, which, in turn, positively impacts the commitment. In a complementary way, the relation between the demographic characteristics of the workers and the creators of technostress are presented in detail. As a result, several theoretical and practical implications are also discussed.Citas
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