The Risk of Rupture in Ready-Made Juice Industry
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Logistics Supply Chain, Ready-made juices, Risks of RuptureResumen
The risk of ruptures in the supply chain is present for many Companies in different sectors. Despite the development of an entire communication network and logistics infrastructure to ensure market supply, there are still situations where supply in the various productive links is impaired. The objective of this article is to identify the factors that represent risks of rupture in the supply chain of a company in the segment of ready juices. The investigation was conduct through two stages; the first one consisted of a research of qualitative nature followed by a quantitative study approach. In the qualitative stage, six respondents, occupying positions considered strategic in the company, were encouraged to express their opinions about the perception about the risks of rupture that the company is subject as well as the opinion on the strategies of resilience used. In the quantitative study, a questionnaire was designed to analyze perceived risk levels and the resilience strategies employed. In this stage, 54 individuals were interviewed among suppliers, customers and the company employees. The risks of rupture perceived for the company were related, mainly to the supply of raw material due, among other factors, the seasonality of the fruits. In many circumstances, the dependence of exclusive supplier was evidenced and it also identified the existence of few companies qualified by the company to supply most of its inputs. Among the identified resilience strategies, investments in process improvement and the use of strategic stocks showed high utilization in the supply chain studied.
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