Risk management of vietnam construction material sector


  • Trung Van Dinh Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics, Vietnam
  • Hien Tha To Political economic department, Le Quy Don Technical University, Hanoi, Vietnam
  • Trang Thuy Nguyen Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism, Thuongmai University, Vietnam
  • Trang Thi Nhu Dinh Political Theory Faculty, Hanoi University of Natural Resources and Environment, Vietnam




Risk management, Financial leverage, Market risk, Construction material Sector, Vietnam


Objective: To analyze the impacts of external financing on market risk for listed companies in the Vietnam construction material sector, with a focus on leveraging scenarios and policy implications for financial and economic governance.

Methods: The study employs quantitative and analytical methods to estimate equity and asset beta values for 57 listed companies in Vietnam’s construction material sector. Scenarios of financial leverage variation (30% increase and 20% decrease) are applied to assess the sensitivity of beta values, supported by empirical data from stock market reports.

Results: The results indicate that leverage variations significantly impact market risk. Equity beta values showed higher sensitivity than asset beta values in scenarios with increased leverage, while reductions in leverage mitigated market volatility. The findings underline the role of financial leverage as a key factor in corporate risk exposure.

Conclusions: The study highlights the importance of balanced financial leverage to manage risk effectively in the construction material sector. Policy recommendations include improving fiscal policies, regulatory frameworks, and financial channels to support sustainable sector growth. Further research is suggested to explore sector-specific impacts in broader economic contexts.


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How to Cite

Van Dinh, T., Tha To, H., Thuy Nguyen, T., & Dinh, T. T. N. (2024). Risk management of vietnam construction material sector. Journal of Management & Technology, 24(Special), 304–318. https://doi.org/10.20397/2177-6652/2024.v24iSpecial.2842

