Formation of adaptive spaces: a technological transformation of theater architecture




Theater building, Balcony floors, Traditional theater, Three-portal stage, Lounge zone


Objective: The article explores the historical evolution and technological transformation of theater architecture. The primary goal is to analyze how technological advancements and changing societal needs have impacted the design and functionality of theaters across different periods and regions.

Methods: The study uses a historical retrospective approach, comparative analysis, and architectural documentation to trace the transformation of theater architecture. Data was gathered through the examination of historical records, architectural plans, and modern theater projects. The integration of parametric architecture and innovative technologies in recent theater designs is also evaluated.

Results: The findings reveal significant changes in theater architecture, with traditional tiered layouts giving way to innovative, non-traditional designs. Modern theaters incorporate advanced technologies such as movable stages, acoustically optimized interiors, and multi-purpose spaces. Contemporary examples like the Sydney Opera House and the Harbin Grand Theatre highlight how technology has redefined both the aesthetic and functional aspects of theaters.

Contribution: This research highlights the interplay between artistry and technology in the evolution of theater architecture. It showcases how modern theaters adapt to spatial constraints in urban settings and respond to the increasing demands for multi-functionality and technological integration.

Conclusion: The study concludes that theater architecture has continually evolved to meet technological and artistic needs. This ongoing transformation reflects the dynamic nature of theater design, where aesthetics, functionality, and technological advancements are seamlessly integrated.


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How to Cite

Zabalueva, T., & Zakharov, A. (2024). Formation of adaptive spaces: a technological transformation of theater architecture. Journal of Management & Technology, 24(Special), 39–59.

