Russian bloggers’ mirror of Chinese culture: cultural communication and image construction from the perspective of others



Russian bloggers, overseas audience, Chinese image, cross-cultural communication


In the era of the rise of self-media, the perspective of others plays an important role in the shaping of national image and cross-cultural communication. Russian bloggers provide new possibilities for the international dissemination of Chinese culture and the construction of China's national image. In this research, we select the five most watched videos of Russian bloggers with the largest number of followers on the YouTube platform related to China as the research objects, and through the analysis of video content and audience comments, we explore the “stereotypes” that exist in the overseas audience from the dimensions of the audience's emotion and the content of the videos. Through video content analysis and audience comment analysis, we summarize the Chinese cultural elements, expressions and opinions that overseas audiences are interested in. In this way, we can effectively weaken the cultural differences between China and Russia, optimize the theme structure of cultural communication, play a good role in building China's national image, to promote the development of Chinese culture in Russia and other Russian-speaking countries.


Biografia do Autor

Lisha Fu, Saint-Petersburg State University, Russia

Estudante de Doutorado

Huiyan Guo, Saint-Petersburg State University, Russia

Estudante de Doutorado


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Como Citar

Fu, L., & Guo, H. (2024). Russian bloggers’ mirror of Chinese culture: cultural communication and image construction from the perspective of others. Revista Gestão & Tecnologia, 24(4), 271–287. Recuperado de

