The effect of service quality and customer involvement on customer satisfaction




Management, Banking industry, Customer satisfaction, Service quality


Many managers are curious about how to enhance customer satisfaction by improving service quality. Previous researches mostly considered only the effect of functional quality based on SERQUAL model.  While there are several other dimensions of service quality other than functional quality, it is not clear which dimension is the most important in forming satisfaction both directly and indirectly through involvement. The purpose of this research is to determine the connections between three quality dimensions, involvement and satisfaction in the banking industry of the Kyrgyz Republic. After analyzing the literature related to this area we designed the research framework, developed hypothesises and the questionnaire accordingly. The results revealed that different dimensions of quality have different impact on involvement and satisfaction. Only functional quality has a positive effect on image. And both functional and technical quality were found to have significant positive influence on satisfaction, also significant positive connection between involvement and satisfaction was revealed. Technical quality was revealed to have only direct significant impact on satisfaction, but it does not have influence on involvement. Also reputation of a bank was revealed not to have considerable influence on involvement.


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Como Citar

Baimuratova, B., Haijun, Z., Derbisheva, E., Lei, T., Arstanbek kyzy, E., & Alieva, A. (2023). The effect of service quality and customer involvement on customer satisfaction. Revista Gestão & Tecnologia, 23, 338–351.

