Job Satisfaction of Track and Field Managers Depending on the Hours Worked per Month


  • Monika Baňovičová Comenius University, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Department of Sports Games.
  • Miroslav Holienka Comenius University, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Department of Sports Games.



Job, Satisfaction, Track And Field, Managers, Work


Problem Statement: Track and field managers do their work without time off, and the amount of the work they put in is not sufficiently financially rewarded. Track and field is a sport in which the earnings are not large compared to other sports. Therefore, it is important to know the job satisfaction of track and field managers. Purpose: In our study we focused on the job satisfaction of track and field managers depending on the hours worked per month. Results: Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire was utilized to collect the data from a total of 38 track and field managers. Using a Kruskal-Wallis H Test we searched for the associations between observed indicators. It was revealed that there is a significant relationship between general job satisfaction and the hours worked per month (H = 8.95, p ≤ 0.05). The analysis revealed a significant relationship between intrinsic job satisfaction and the hours worked per month (H = 8.86, p ≤ 0.05). The relationship between extrinsic job satisfaction and the hours worked per month also shown as a significant (H = 6.57, p ≤ 0.05). We searched for the answer if track and field manager are more satisfied with their job than clerks. The results shown that track and field managers are more satisfied with their job (80.18) compared to clerks (74.48), also external job satisfaction is higher for track and field managers (21.95) compared to clerks (19.37). We found that clerks have higher intrinsic job satisfaction (47.32) as compared to track and field managers (46.47).Conclusions: It is important to know the job satisfaction of track and field managers. Track and field managers work without time off, have a strong competitive environment, and lower income compared to other sports. Therefore, we decided to analyze the job satisfaction of track and field managers and give them feedback. The highest satisfaction was the question, which asked for the chance to do things for other people (athletes) and the lowest satisfaction was the question regarding their pay and the amount of work they do.


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Como Citar

Baňovičová, M., & Holienka, M. (2023). Job Satisfaction of Track and Field Managers Depending on the Hours Worked per Month. Revista Gestão & Tecnologia, 23(4), 420–431.

