Impact of innovative activities in the process of education of future specialists of the tourism industry
The education system is constantly changing to meet the needs of society and the economy. New technologies, changes in society and science, as well as new approaches to learning require changes in the education system. The transformations emerging in society, both at the social, political and economic levels, open market competition between various educational institutions, the emphasis on introducing new rules and values into the education system that are relevant to the modern world agenda, increasingly call for a review of the old education system, adapt to new realities, and introduce innovations into the educational process. The purpose of the article was to study necessary technologies and features of the methodology for introducing innovations into the educational process of students of tourism activities. The findings underscore the significance of innovative approaches in preparing students for successful careers in the dynamic tourism industry. In conclusion, this study reaffirms that by embracing innovative techniques, students acquire the skills needed for success in an ever-evolving industry, while educators remain at the forefront of this dynamic fieldReferências
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