Navigating the Covid-19 Pandemic: a case study of challenges and opportunities for the automotive industry


  • Dragomir Dragos-Marian



Without a doubt the Covid-19 pandemic has affected all industries, leaving people without jobs, production lines halted, loss of life and demand for vital goods and services not being met on time. Navigating through the problems that Covid-19 has caused, we will easily notice that one of the most affected industries was the car manufacturing industry. This paper will begin by presenting the overall impact that the Covid-19 pandemic has had on the global economy and will then focus on the case study exploring both the obstacles faced by the automotive sector and the potential benefits post-Covid-19. Specific challenges faced by the automotive industry were, production shutdowns caused by government measures, supply chain disruptions. We will explore how the automotive industry is overcoming these obstacles and can capitalize on new demands and trends to build a more resilient future. Examining the strategies companies have adopted during the Covid-19 era, the case study provides valuable insights for automakers looking to not only weather the storm, but also become stronger and more adaptable in the turbulent waters of the global economy.The end of the paper criticizes some measures that governments have taken to minimize the impact of the pandemic, demonstrating that locking people in their homes has caused far greater social, economic and resilience crises than it should have solved.


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Cómo citar

Dragos-Marian, D. (2024). Navigating the Covid-19 Pandemic: a case study of challenges and opportunities for the automotive industry. Revista Gestão & Tecnologia, 24(5), 331–353.

