Innovation for green future-investigating the driving force behind Vietnamese consumers' intention and their green behavior




Innovation for Green Future to focus on the environmental protection, which is the burning issue at the time being in Vietnam. This study seeks an answer to the question of why consumers have green intention but do not take green consumption behavior. Findings from a survey on 486 Vietnamese consumers have shown that such moderating variables as gender and income have certain impacts on their green consumption. In addition, consumers’ awareness about product effectiveness and availability are the two factors drive their green consumption despite their earlier green intention. The paper also attempts to give policymakers and businesses relevant instruments to encourage Vietnamese consumers to turn their intention into green consumption behavior.


Biografía del autor/a

Phan Quoc Nguyen, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Vietnam

Doctor of Law, Associate Professor, VNU University of Law, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Vietnam


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Cómo citar

Thoa, H. T. B. ., & Nguyen, P. Q. (2024). Innovation for green future-investigating the driving force behind Vietnamese consumers’ intention and their green behavior. Revista Gestão & Tecnologia, 24(5), 87–103.

