DOI: clave:
innovative changes, management in the field of innovation, innovation in demand, drivers of economic growth, digitalization, marketing, informatization,Resumen
The article presents the results of research into the processes of managing innovative changes in the Russian economy. It demonstrates the main trends that have developed in the management of modern companies and the factors and conditions for their implementation within the framework of organizational, marketing, and digital support. The authors conclude that this kind of support plays a major role in achieving high results in managing innovative changes. It serves as a growth point in the efficiency of companies, stimulating innovative changes in their organization and forming their high investment activity. The scientific interpretation of the need for innovative changes in the Russian economy determines the relevance of this article because organizational, marketing, and digital support is crucial for managing innovative changes. Conditions are created to increase the efficiency of using and intensifying existing resources, which emphasizes the scientific significance of the article. The methodological base of the study is formed in conformity with the theories of innovation economics, information society, innovation-oriented marketing, and its modernization and informatization. As a result, the article substantiates the concepts of an apparatus for the effective management of innovative changes in the Russian economy, proposing several tools for the effective use of innovative resources of modern companies and presenting an original vision of the prospects for managing innovative changes through organizational, marketing, and digital support.
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