Assessing the influence of factors on the development of digital infrastructure in russia
DOI: clave:
Digital infrastructure, Digital sovereignty, Factor, Influence, Assessment, StateResumen
The study aims to determine the influence of several factors on the development of digital infrastructure in Russia. Based on the analysis of scientific literature, it is determined that the core of digital sovereignty is digital infrastructure. It is clarified that the digital infrastructure of the state is understood as a complex of technologies and systems that ensure the functioning and development of the digital economy. The authors have identified the key elements necessary for the functioning of the digital economy. The article also presents a system of resulting indicators and factors for the development of digital infrastructure in Russia. Thus, the greatest impact on digital infrastructure elements is exerted by the innovation activity and technological autonomy of the state and investment activity in the field of informatization and communications. The study results allow government agencies to formulate a digital transformation strategy with due regard to the key indicators reflected in the article that have a high degree of influence on the development of digital infrastructure components.Citas
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