Examining the Factors Affecting Work-Life Balance and Well-being Among Remote Workers: Evidence from Transportation Businesses in Vietnam
https://doi.org/10.20397/2177-6652/2023.v23i4.2708Palabras clave:
Remote Work, Work-Life Balance, Well-being, Transportation Sector, VietnamResumen
This study, employing multivariate linear regression and random sampling with a sample size of 200, investigates the significant determinants influencing the confidence, Work-Life Balance, and Well-being of remote workers in Vietnam's transportation sector. Key factors, including Technology and Infrastructure, Flexibility in Work Hours, Supervision and Support, Health and Well-being Initiatives, and Cultural Attitudes towards Work, play distinct roles in shaping the remote work environment. The findings hold important implications for employers, policymakers, and remote workers, offering actionable insights to improve the remote work experience in Vietnam. Employers can enhance remote workers' confidence by investing in technology and infrastructure, providing flexible work hours, offering supportive supervision, and prioritizing wellness initiatives. Aligning cultural values with the remote work environment fosters a supportive and culturally sensitive atmosphere. However, the study's contextual limitations warrant further research in diverse settings, utilizing various data sources, and objective measures, and exploring additional variables to enhance Work-Life Balance and Well-being in remote work arrangements.
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