DOI: clave:
Financing, Scientific activity, Regions of Ukraine, Higher education institutions, StrategizingResumen
The purpose of the study is to strategize the commercialization of the results of scientific activities of higher education institutions (hereinafter – HEIs) based on the analysis of the financing of scientific activities in Ukraine and the regions and the development of academic entrepreneurship in HEIs. Methods of analysis and comparison were used to study the dynamics of state budget expenditures on scientific and scientific-technical activities of HEIs of Ukraine; rating assessment – to rank the regions of Ukraine and groups of HEIs; theoretical generalization – to form conclusions and determine the prospects. Expenditures of the state budget for scientific and scientific-technical activity of HEIs and scientific institutions for 2011–2021 are analyzed; the regional and branch focus of commercialization of results of performance by HEIs of scientific and scientific-technical works and rendering of scientific services is considered; the strategy of commercialization of results of scientific activity of HEIs in Ukraine is formed.Citas
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