DOI: clave:
digital transformation of the economy, technological transformations, industrial revolutions, minimization of capital movementResumen
Currently, the following disagreement of expert opinions has developed: most scholars agree that the prerequisites for the current digitalization were the transformation of production management and social processes. The indisputable impact of digitalization on the transformation of the world economy and the relations existing in it must be assessed from two sides of consideration: as changes in the procedure of international exchange and as the course of development of the unity of the economies of the world countries. Modern research extensively examines and evaluates the impact of digitalization on corporate governance, isolated industries, the transformation of society, economy, and management in specific world states. According to experts, the current stage of digitalization will contribute to the increasing pace of information exchange. However, this probably will not significantly affect the scaling of commodity trade between countries. In addition to the above, digitalization can lead to the minimization of capital flows between states. However, it predetermines the introduction of advanced technologies that transform operating systems and, collectively, the economy of the world through the complete or partial replacement of human labor (advanced analysis, artificial intelligence, mobile gadgets, robots, communication devices, technological platforms).Citas
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