Lean manufacturing implantation impacts: a study on a large logistics operator


  • Ester Eliane Jeunon Fundação Pedro Leopoldo - FPL, Minas Gerais
  • Francisco de Oliveira Júnior
  • Leonora da Cunha Duarte
  • Eloisa Helena Rodrigues Guimarães






Objective: This work aimed to analyze how the Lean methodology has caused changes in organizational processes in a logistics company.

Methodology: A descriptive and qualitative research was carried out in one of the branches of a large logistics operator located in the city of Vinhedo (SP). Questionnaires were applied and interviews were conducted with logistics experts, organization leaders, Lean Manufacturing managers and operators, coming to a total of 100 respondents, including organizational change factors such as Kaizen application for process improvement, 5S's for organization and cleaning and Kanban for production control.

Results: It was evident that factors such as productivity, quality, organization, among others were factors for the implantation of the methodology in the company.

Corporative results: The results revealed that after the implementation of Lean management, there were changes such as a better understanding of the proposed methodology, reorganization of processes and gain in productivity and quality, thus raising the level of competitiveness of the organization.


Keywords: Organizational change, Lean Manufacturing, Logistics.



Cómo citar

Jeunon, E. E., Oliveira Júnior, F. de, Duarte, L. da C., & Guimarães, E. H. R. (2020). Lean manufacturing implantation impacts: a study on a large logistics operator. Revista Gestão & Tecnologia, 20(3), 255–269. https://doi.org/10.20397/2177-6652/2020.v20i3.1986

