Strategy materiality and technology implementation practices in “Industry 4.0” context



Palabras clave:

Materiality, Technology, Industry 4.0, Strategy as practice,


PURPOSE:   The   study   seeks   to   understand   how   strategy   occurs   as   a   practice   in   the technological context in light of the Industry 4.0.

APPROACH: Theoretical essay according to the assumptions of Whetten (2003).

ORIGINALITY: Strategy is related to practice, technological context and Industry 4.0. These perspectives are still little explored in the literature, besides contributing to the understanding of the dynamics of the strategy, from a practical point of view. 

FINDINGS:   Industry   4.0   will   possibly   intensify   the   interaction   between   different technological artefacts and users. This growth in complexity will result in an increase in the relevance of users' characteristics to the technology in practice. The experiences, knowledge, meanings, power relations, habits, norms, among other elements, will be central so that the use of technology in practice achieves the strategic objectives. This perspective comes from the practical lens of strategy because of the focus on what people actually do with the technologies in their activities.

CONTRIBUTIONS:   Considering   the   adoption   of   certain   technologies, one   must   take   into account the feedback of this technology, and the consequences of its uses. Due to its different possibilities of interpretation and uses, that is, its dynamicity.

Biografía del autor/a

Angélica Pott de Medeiros, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Doutoranda em Administração (PPGA/UFSC)Mestra em Administração (PPGA/UFSM)Bacharela e Licenciada em Administração (UFSM)

Rosalia Aldraci Barbosa Lavarda, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Professora do Departamento de Ciências da Administração da UFSC;

Doutora em Administração pela Universitat de València (Espanha, 2008)

Rolf Hermann Erdmann, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Doutorado em Engenharia de Produção pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brasil(1994)
Professor Titular da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina 


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Cómo citar

Pott de Medeiros, A., Barbosa Lavarda, R. A., & Erdmann, R. H. (2020). Strategy materiality and technology implementation practices in “Industry 4.0” context. Revista Gestão & Tecnologia, 20(2), 279–301.