University E-readiness for the Digital Transformation: the Case of Universidad Nacional del Sur



Palabras clave:

digital transformation, university, higher education, digital strategy, public sector


This study aims to explain the resources, capabilities and management choices necessary to respond to the new environment for the case of public university institutions. There is little research about responsiveness to the digital transformation in public universities. The methodology is based on literature review and a case study. A Public Agency Strategic Analysis is used to identify relevant issues to conduct the case study. Results show that the organizational processes, talent management and education service models have not been transformed as a result of emergent technologies. The work provides a comprehensive analysis of the capabilities, barriers and the role of the bargaining power of multiple forces affecting the digital transformation of a public sector organization. The article provides specific and actionable recommendations on relevant challenges when public university institutions conduct a digital transformation process.

Biografía del autor/a

Marisa A Sanchez, Universidad Nacional del Sur

Marisa Analía Sánchez received a Doctorate degree in Computer Science from Universidad Nacional del Sur in Bahía Blanca, Argentina. She is currently Associate Professor of graduate and post-graduate courses at Department of Management Sciences at Universidad Nacional del Sur. Her research interests include the role, value and governance of digitization in organizations.


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Cómo citar

Sanchez, M. A. (2020). University E-readiness for the Digital Transformation: the Case of Universidad Nacional del Sur. Revista Gestão & Tecnologia, 20(2), 75–97.