Renewable energy: the role of the auctions of energy in Brazil and the acting of the sources of biomass


  • Heitor Lopes Ferreira
  • Leandro Alves Patah Universidade Nove de Julho, UNINOVE,São Paulo



Energy is the watchword and its generation is a challenge. Fossil fuels still dominate as the primary energy matrix, according to the IEA (2015) until the year 2013 oil was responsible for 47% of all energy generated in the world. In Brazil, unlike the great powers, the hydroelectric power stations are responsible for 64% of all energy generated thanks to its rich basin. Even though the hydroelectric stations are the main source of energy generation in Brazil, the construction of new dams is not increasing at the same speed as its growing demand. In a recent study sponsored by the EPE (energy research company) between the years 2016 to 2020 energy demand in Brazil will grow 4% per year reaching 633 TWh in 2020. Faced with this growing demand the Brazilian government since 2004 has been promoting sales auctions and power purchase mediated by the CCEE (Commercialization Chamber of Electric energy) focused on exploration in renewable energy sources. This article aims to analyze the participation of the sources of power generation coming from biomass and highlight its growth in the Brazilian market as a sustainable energy source. To serve this purpose will be analyzed official documents issued by the Brazilian regulatory agencies that demonstrate the gains from the generation and sale of energy. As a result is expected to demonstrate the behavior of companies investing in the creation of power plants whose fuel is Biomass.

Biografía del autor/a

Leandro Alves Patah, Universidade Nove de Julho, UNINOVE,São Paulo

Doutorado em Engenharia de Produção pela Universidade de São Paulo
Professor Titular da Universidade Nove de Julho




Cómo citar

Ferreira, H. L., & Patah, L. A. (2017). Renewable energy: the role of the auctions of energy in Brazil and the acting of the sources of biomass. Revista Gestão & Tecnologia, 17(2), 51–65.