Governance in the multimedia cluster of montreal


  • Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay
  • Serge Rousseau



The multimedia sector is one of the high-tech sectors that has contributed greatly to revitalizing the economic base of the Montreal region. A relatively young sector, which may be described as post-industrial, it has created high expectations as to its capacity to create jobs and economic wealth. Its many applications have created visions of sustained growth, arousing the interest of many public and private actors in the sector. The sector has fulfilled its promises in part and met a number of expectations, to such an extent that for a number of years it actually experienced labour shortage, raiding of workers, high wages, the creation of many firms and significant interest on the part of the financial community (Tremblay, 2002, 2004; Tremblay et al., 2002) . In short, for a few years the sector was an unqualified success.This paper will examine the mechanisms of governance set up by actors in the Montreal

region in order to build the foundations of a new industry. We will also see that

governance has evolved over the years according to information and changes in the

environment and involves a diversity of actors.



How to Cite

Tremblay, D.-G., & Rousseau, S. (2010). Governance in the multimedia cluster of montreal. Journal of Management & Technology, 3(1).

