European Direct Investment in Brazil, 1860 to the Present


  • Sérgio de Oliveira Birchal
  • Âmara Fuccio de Fraga e Silva



European direct investment in Brazil dates back to the discovery of the country and has been since then either hegemonic or more important than a superficial observation can grasp, as this work aims at showing. During the 20

th century, the United States has replaced Britain as the world’s economic superpower and the largest direct investor. US dominance in the world economy and geographical proximity to Brazil would suggest that US investments were by far the largest in the country during that century. Furthermore, as Japan had become the second largest economy in the world in the 1980s, we would expect that this would be reflected in the data of the largest multinationals in Brazil. However, as our investigation suggests, Western European direct investment has been as large (and in many occasions even larger) as that of the USA and Japanese firms have never had a prominent presence among the largest firms in Brazil, at least until the late 1990s.



How to Cite

Birchal, S. de O., & Silva, Âmara F. de F. e. (2010). European Direct Investment in Brazil, 1860 to the Present. Journal of Management & Technology, 3(1).