Truth, Democratization and the Profusion of Knowledge in Society: perceptions and editorial considerations - Part I


  • José Edson Lara Fundação Pedro Leopoldo


Science,, Scientific publication, Scientific truths, Knowledge


In times of political, economic, social and technological turbulence, it is natural that spaces for proselytism of all kinds appear. They emerge bringing with them protesters, almost always opportunists and superficial, making pseudo-diagnoses, fully compatible with pseudo-solutions, which solve “everything, or almost everything”, of almost any nature. Or “solutions” for all natures. How free information is abundant in this context! But this scenario enriches infometrics in all areas. “How beautiful is the free expression of free information!” “How editorial markets ferment these predispositions to talk about everything, to everyone!” “How beautiful is the democracy of knowledge!” “How worrying is the action of the market of superficial, innocuous and utilitarian-oriented information in relation to the lack of culture and carelessness with vulgar content!” Uffffaaaa... Long live, Marshall McLuhan (1964)!

Author Biography

José Edson Lara, Fundação Pedro Leopoldo

Curso de Mestrado


Habermas, J. (1984). The theory of communicative action. Vol 1. Reason and the rationalizalion of society. Boston, Beacon Press.

Longerich (2014), Peter. Joseph Goebbels: uma biografia. Rio de Janeiro: Objetiva, 2014.

McLuhan, Marshall (1964). Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man. Canadá, MIT Press, ISBN: 9780262631594




How to Cite

Lara, J. E. (2024). Truth, Democratization and the Profusion of Knowledge in Society: perceptions and editorial considerations - Part I. Journal of Management & Technology, 24(4), 3–4. Retrieved from

