The influence of organizational and economic mechanisms on the regulation of employment of young specialists




Labor market, Employment, Unemployment, Government regulation, Youth


Russia's economic development and social stability to a significant extent depend on its population's employment level. It is extremely important to form a modern mechanism for ensuring employment of the population, which is a socially useful activity of citizens that does not contradict the law and brings them, as a rule, labor income. The study aimed to substantiate the organizational and economic mechanism of employment regulation and determine its structural components. To achieve the goal, the method of theoretical generalization, the abstract logical method, and the expert survey method were used. The paper identifies the tasks and strategic fields of employment regulation, the main socio-economic measures to regulate employment, the main tools for regulating employment, and the mechanism for regulating youth employment. The authors conclude that the use of economic instruments of employment regulation will contribute to the solution of the main goals of ensuring the development of the general economic system of Russia.


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How to Cite

Akhmetshin, E., Klochko, E., Batirova, N., Vetrova, E., Andryushchenko, I., & Tolipova, B. (2023). The influence of organizational and economic mechanisms on the regulation of employment of young specialists. Journal of Management & Technology, 23, 352–363.