An integrative framework of repurchase intentions with the effects of consumer ethnocentrism and consumer animosity with mediating role of consumer loyalty


  • Saad AlFlayyeh Management Department, College of Business, Majmaah University, Majma’h, Saudi Arabia



Ethnocentrism, Animosity, Loyalty, Repurchase Intention


Present study is about an integrative framework of repurchase intentions with the effects of consumer ethnocentrism and consumer animosity with mediating role of consumer loyalty. Study then proposed a theoretical framework after the extensive literature review. Contemporary study framework consists of four (4) constructs and six (6) hypothesis. Study model was tested using SPSS, where 376 valid responses were obtained from different sources such as sharing the unique link for survey on (social media channels) and some questionnaires were distributed in store in the capital city Riyadh Saudi Arabia. The relevant tests, including descriptive analysis and examination of all demographic data, were carried out. Testing for measurement validity and reliability, including Cronbach alpha, was done. The hypothesis and correlation test were then conducted in a manner identical to that which was done following the standard deviation and correlation tests. All of the considered hypotheses were shown to be significant and to have a positive association with one another after all relevant tests had been run.            


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How to Cite

AlFlayyeh, S. (2023). An integrative framework of repurchase intentions with the effects of consumer ethnocentrism and consumer animosity with mediating role of consumer loyalty. Journal of Management & Technology, 23, 260–277.