Decision support system for the management of a vehicle service workshop


  • Evgeniy Kozin Tyumen Industrial University



decision support system, digital twin, digital enterprise, simulation, service station


The paper presents a methodology for implementing a decision support system for managing a car service workshop. The system operates with current technical indicators and financial results of the enterprise. The user of the system has the opportunity to evaluate the possible parameters of the enterprise when changing one or more target indicators. Different management decisions are offered by the system and ranked according to possibility of their implementation. The result of the system operation is a list of recommended decisions. These decisions will allow to achieve the goal set by the user related to achieving economic benefits or reducing the costs for the operation of the enterprise.

Author Biography

Evgeniy Kozin, Tyumen Industrial University

Department Service of Automobiles and Technological Machines


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How to Cite

Kozin, E. (2023). Decision support system for the management of a vehicle service workshop. Journal of Management & Technology, 23, 88–102.