Forecasting the components of the product competitiveness indicator




product competitiveness indicator, useful effect, total costs.


The purpose of the study is to conduct an analysis of theoretical developments and propose an economic and mathematical search model that allows modeling and analyzing the process of forecasting the indicator of product competitiveness. The the model allows to determine the components of the competitiveness indicator of both the useful effect and the total costs for the full life cycle of products. The results of the analysis of forecasting methods showed that for their use in solving the problem of quantifying the useful effect of an object (product) and the total costs of its acquisition and use, in most cases, additional data of the parameters of the base sample are required, which are unknown quantities that cause the greatest difficulties in calculating them.


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How to Cite

Chaynikov, V., Semenov, V., Mityugina, M., Kravchenko, T., & Suchkova, A. (2022). Forecasting the components of the product competitiveness indicator. Journal of Management & Technology, 22(1), 116–128.