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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The article must be presented in Microsoft Word format or RTF provided that it does not exceed 2MB;
  • Foreign words should be written in italics while neologisms or unusual words should be written in quotations marks;
  • The identification of the article’s author must be removed from the file and the Properties option in Microsoft Word;
  • Frames, graphs, tables or illustrations shall be submitted with their captions, quoting the source and legend;
  • Units of measure shall follow the standards of the International System (SI) developed by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM) [];
  • By being responsible for the content of the article submitted to the journal, the author authorizes its publication;

Author Guidelines

Guidelines for Authors 1.The articles submitted to Revista Gestão & Tecnologia will be evaluated primarily concerning their scientific merit; 2.The article must follow the American Psychological Association (APA) rules and the configuration as follows: Extension: from 5.000 to 8.000 words, included charts, tables, graphs, illustrations, notes and references; Paper size: A4; Margins: left and top 3 cm; right and bottom 2 cm; Font: Arial, size 12; Paragraph: 1,1 cm flush left on the first line; Spacing: 1,5; Alignment: justified; Pagination: number of pages at the footer with alignment to the right. 3. The article must present: title, with the main words initialized with capital letters, centered, in bold, font Arial 12; Paper abstract in Portuguese and English, with maximum 150 words, containing the theme, objective, method, results and conclusions; Three to five key words in both languages; Article text containing: Introduction; Theoretical Framework; Methodology; Presentation and Discussion of Results; Conclusion or Final Considerations; and References; The charts, tables and graphs must be set in the text immediately after their call/quote, in the original, in black and white, letter 10 and including source and legends, according to the APA rules (see the rules summary prepared by ANPAD - All references must be set in alphabetical order, at the end of the article, according to the APA rules (see the rules summary prepared by ANPAD – 4.The article should not contain the author (s) identification (s), both in the text and in the file properties, so as to ensure the anonymity in the evaluation process; 5.It is allowed up to five authors for each article and submitting at the maximum two articles per year (author/co-author); 6.The article can be submitted in Portuguese, Spanish, English or French; 7.It is mandatory to fill in the metadata, emphasizing in the biography summary the last title, post and the institution complete name, state, country; 8.The article must be unpublished in Brazil or in any other country, not considering break of originality the inclusion of part or preliminary version in any scientific event annals; 9.The article cannot be submitted to different journals at the same time; 10. The Editor may or may not accept the article submitted for publication, in accordance with the editorial policy; 11. The Editor may or may not accept an article after it has been evaluated by theDouble Blind Review, which ensures the anonymity and confidentiality both of the author (s) and the referees; 12.The Editor may suggest changes in the article both concerning the subject contents and the text adequation to the writing and submission rules (APA); 13. The article should be written with grammatical correction. The referees will not make corrections; 14. The article approved for publication shall undergo final editing and orthographic, grammatical and normalization proofreading; 15.According the OJS system, adopted by Revista Gestão & Tecnologia, the author(s) shall have the article submission automatically rejected by the system if it is no compliant with the exclusivity, originality and copyright terms; 16.The OJS System records the article entry data and the evaluation and editing process stages, and the author(s) may track the article status automatically in the system; 17.The editor and/or any individual or institution linked to their collegiate bodies are not liable for opinions, ideas, concepts and positioning expressed on the texts, as these are the sole responsibility of their author (or authors); 18.The evaluations are done on standardized evaluation forms, with space for personalized comments, which are directed to the author(s) in case of conditional acceptance or rejection; 19.The article only should be submitted online in the site


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