Natural Resource Governance, Conflict, Environmental Change, Human Security, Niger- Delta, Nigeria.Resumo
Globally, there have been several discussions about the connection or relationship between environmental change, natural resources, and security. Aside from the detrimental effects it has on livelihood in the majority of the world's current regions, many academics have identified environmental change, or climate change, as one of the primary causes of conflict and insecurity. Thus, this study's main goal is to investigate how natural resources, environmental change, and human security are related in Nigeria's Niger-Delta region. For this study, a qualitative approach to data collecting was used, utilizing journals, books, conference proceedings, and online resources. The study's theoretical foundation was provided by the resource curse hypothesis and the frustration-aggression theory. Content and descriptive analyses were performed on the acquired data. Nonetheless, the analysis showed that natural resource governance, environmental change, and security are all symbolically related. However, some of the advocates in the fight for resource management continued to act avaricious, notwithstanding genuine incidents of carelessness and negligence that initially gave rise to the grievance. Because of the significant effects that inadequate resource governance and environmental problems have on the region's peace and security, it is important to recognize that addressing these challenges is not just vital but also essential. The report suggests that while addressing resource-related conflicts, the government give humanitarian assistance equal weight with upholding the law. The study's policy implications assert that policymakers worldwide can use it to inform how policies are administered.
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