Improving a company’s competitiveness based on innovative transformations of intra-organizational interactions
intra-organizational interactions, innovative transformations, organizational efficiency, organization structure, company competitivenessResumo
The paper considers the actual problems of increasing the competitiveness of the organization due to organizational changes in the conditions of restrictions associated with the pandemic. The importance of organizational efficiency as a significant factor in improving competitiveness has been shown. The impact of changes related to work in the conditions of a pandemic for various types of organizations characteristic of transport enterprises has been considered based on multi-agency models. The dependence of the drop in efficiency in the conditions of a decrease in the communication flow for various types of organizations in a changing external environment has been determined. The influence of the individual efficiency of employees on the effectiveness of the organization as a whole has been analyzed. Strategies for compensating for the drop in efficiency under new conditions have been considered and the conditions of their applicability have been determined. A variant of improving organizational efficiency using "communication brokers" has been proposed, the conditions for its most effective use for various types of organizations have been determined.Referências
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