Intention of adoption of social media in projects
Project Management, Social Media, Web 2.0, Intention of AdoptionResumo
The use of social media tools can offer benefits to organizations and for project management. It is known that before the actual behavior of adopting a technology, there is a step of intention formation, but, what seems not to be well known is what factors can influence such intention, specifically in the context of projects. To fill this gap we developed this study with the objective of identifying which factors influence the intention of adopting social media in projects. A survey was distributed to project professionals in 24 countries and 5 continents (n=171). After execution of PLS technique, we found three factors that influence the intention of adopting social media in projects (performance expectance, social factor and perceived ease of use), so professionals who want to adopt social media technologies in their project tasks should pay attentions and invest their efforts in these aspects. We also observed that contextual factors could make correlations with the intention of adoption less significant than originally proposed for compatibility and testability dimensions in seminal studies.Referências
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