Designing a dynamic model for evaluating the research and development projects cost focused on technical indicators and market share in knowledge based companies
Dynamic Model, Economic Valuation of Costs, Research and Development Projects, Knowledge Based CompaniesResumo
In this research, according to the previous studies and the extraction of factors affecting the economic valuation of research costs and the identification of cause and effect circles, a dynamic model has been developed. Subsequently, using the DEMATEL technique, the relationships between them and the effective coefficients were determined and included in the model. Hence, in order to test the accuracy of the model and determine the behavior of the state variables and the rate of information gathering from the eight knowledge based companies in the science and technology parks of Alborz, Pardis and Tehran University in the period of 24 months, by assessing the 24-month behavior of research in the framework of the model as well as sensitivity analysis, the validity of the designed dynamic model was evaluated.
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