Repurchase intent online and its determinants: a Brazilian perspective
Atributos de confiança, compra on-line, análise de regressão.Resumo
There has been increased the number of academic publications that depict the on-line shopping characteristics based on attributes of confidence and attitude, with greater proliferation of these studies in developed countries. In geographical contexts such as Latin America, research in this direction have been developed, mainly anchored on growth by which e-commerce has experienced in recent years. The objective of this research is to verify by means of multivariate data analysis the relationship between the constructs: perceived risk, trust in certifying companies, confidence in the supplier, the propensity to trust, the cultural environment of trust that surrounds these consumers purchase intent and buying behavior. For this study was carried out with application of quantitative research on 259 respondents took a similar study conducted based inChile. As a theoretical contribution, it was found that the six hypotheses tested in the original study, only four were confirmed in Brazil, pointing to the fact that confidence attributes and the cultural environment is not positively associated to the on-line repurchase behavior, suggesting that Brazilian on-line buyer trust in the family, but do not trust the institutions.
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