The use of virtual learning environment and its relation to the assessment of teaching: a study by the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte
AVA, Avaliação, Docente.Resumo
The use of the virtual learning environment (VLE) to another level, even in the classroom itself. The UFRN adopted system has a number of features, such as: classes topics, upload files, news and students attendance, beyond the institutional evaluation, conducted both by students and by Professors. Thus, this study aims to understand the relationship between the use of the tools of "Virtual Class" with the evaluation of teaching performance by the students. For the analysis there are three techniques used for quantitative analysis of data: cluster analysis, discriminant analysis and multiple regression analysis. A causal relationship between the independent variables (gender, years worked and classes) in the dependent variable (evaluation) was observed. Women teachers got, on average, a better evaluation that, compared to men teachers, and through to the variables "number of classes" and "years worked", a negative effect on the variable "evaluation" was verified.
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