Desenvolvimento e teste de um modelo difuso para priorização rápida e precisa de alvos aéreos em tempo real para melhorar a efetividade dos sistemas de controle automatizados
Аlvo аéreo, Controlo аutomаtizаdo, Meios de potênciа de fogo, Lógicа difusа, PrioridаdeResumo
Objective: This study aims to enhance the accuracy and speed of air target prioritization in real-time through the development and testing of a fuzzy model, thus improving the effectiveness of automated control systems in military applications.
Methods: The research utilizes fuzzy logic and the Mamdani model to develop a system that incorporates expert knowledge and defuzzification processes using the center of gravity method. The methodology includes system analysis, simulation modeling, and a comprehensive review of fuzzy logic applications in complex control environments.
Results: The model demonstrates the ability to prioritize air targets accurately and quickly, confirming its effectiveness through simulations in Python. The model's architecture and the application of fuzzy IF-THEN rules enhance decision-making in air defense control systems.
Conclusions: The study validates the potential of fuzzy logic to improve air target prioritization, offering substantial benefits in terms of adaptability, precision, and operational efficiency. The findings support the integration of the model into existing air defense systems to optimize resource utilization and reduce response times in combat scenarios.
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