Small entrepreneur of central india in covid-19 pandemic
Central India, COVID-19, Small businesses, Start-ups, Structural Equation ModelingResumo
Objective: This study aims to examine the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on small entrepreneurs in Central India, focusing on the operational, financial, and strategic challenges faced during the crisis.
Methods: The research employed a quantitative approach, involving interviews with 379 small business owners across Central India. Data collection occurred from July to December 2022, utilizing structured interviews to explore the extent of disruptions caused by pandemic-related restrictions.
Results: The study found that small entrepreneurs faced significant challenges, including disruptions in supply chains, reduced customer demand, and limited access to financial resources. Many businesses struggled to maintain operations due to strict lockdown measures and social distancing rules, which significantly impacted their financial stability and growth prospects.
Conclusions: The findings underscore the vulnerability of small businesses to sudden economic shocks and highlight the need for targeted support measures to enhance resilience among small entrepreneurs. Recommendations for policy interventions include the provision of emergency financial aid, more accessible credit facilities, and support for digital transformation to mitigate the impact of future disruptions.
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