


management theories, industrial revolution, evolution of management, schools of management


In the beginning of industrial revolution in Great Britain, around 1760, the manufacturing processes around the country started witnessing a large wave of machinery being used for production. Usage of the machines needed skilled workers, new manufacturing techniques and new organisational skills. This wave gradually spread across Europe and changed the entire economies. By the 1840, when the industries started to use steam engines more and more, when transportation was revolutionized by usage of canals, steamboats, and the railways, a new, second industrial revolution spread across the most developing countries of the time. Machinery and new skills helped countries like United Kingdom, France, Belgium, United States, Germany and even Japan to become new industrial superpowers. In order to boost productivity and to meet the demands from rapidly growing working population, new thinking from prominent businessman gave birth to a new discipline – management. It became essential to manage the machinery and the people in efficient way in order to increase the level of production and the working conditions. The thinkers like F. W. Taylor, Max Webber, Henri Fayol and others started writing about Management theories. The first classical management schools dating way to the beginning of the 20th century were replaced with neo-classical management theories from 1930 to 1950. Usage of the microchips and computers saw the birth of the third industrial revolution and many new authors, like Jeremy Rifkin, wrote about it. Recently, Klaus Schwab wrote about “ubiquitous computing”, “the Internet of and for things”, “Smart cities”, robotics, blockchain, crypto currencies and similar things, rounding it up in his book “Fourth industrial revolution”. Of course, new management theories were present at both third and fourth revolution. This article is researching the connection between the industrial revolutions and the management theories. To be more precise, it is researching on how industrial revolutions affected the management schools and theories and vice-versa.

Biografia do Autor

Ante Klečina, University North, (Croatia)

Department of Logistics and Sustainable Mobility, University North, Croatia

Krešimir Buntak, University North, (Croatia)

Department of Logistics and Sustainable Mobility, University North, Croatia

Ljudevit Krpan, University North, (Croatia)

Department of Logistics and Sustainable Mobility, University North, Croatia


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Como Citar

Klečina, A., Buntak, K., & Krpan, L. (2024). THE INFLUENCE OF INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTIONS TO THE EVOLUTION OF MANAGEMENT THEORY. Revista Gestão & Tecnologia, 24(2), 114–142.

