The current research aims to investigate the impact of a program based on rational-emotional guidance on the development of digital citizenship and the reduction of extremist thoughts among university female students. The sample was selected from kindergarten female teacher-students at Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and early childhood education students at Minia University in the Arab Republic of Egypt. The main research sample consisted of 99 university students, with 48 Saudi students and 51 Egyptian students. The following tools were utilized to achieve the research objectives: the Digital Citizenship Scale, the Intellectual Extremism Scale, and a program based on rational-emotional guidance. The research results revealed the impact of the rational-emotional guidance program on the development of digital citizenship within the investigated sample. Statistically significant differences were observed between the pre-and post-measurement means of the digital citizenship scale, favoring the post-measurement. Furthermore, the research results demonstrated the impact of the rational-emotional guidance program in reducing extremist thoughts within the investigated sample. Statistically significant differences were found between the pre-and post-measurement means of the intellectual extremism scale, favoring the pre-measurement. The study concludes by proposing avenues for further research and providing recommendations for future initiatives in this domain.
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