Using the esg principles in the strategic management of a company’s activities: the case study of the nk rosneft pjsc
green economy, green economy development strategy, ESG principles, RosneftResumo
This study considers the implementation of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles in the strategic management of the NK Rosneft PJSC. The authors use logical economic methods, such as induction, deduction, formalization, and methods of proof and analogy, and non-logical economic methods, including the historical method in economic knowledge and economic observation, as well as other quantitative and qualitative methods of economic analysis. The study aims at identifying issues associated with the integration of ESG principles and provides practical recommendations for minimizing or eliminating them. The authors emphasize the importance of including ESG principles in the Rosneft development strategy with due regard to the global transition to the green or circular economy. Conclusions are drawn and recommendations are made considering current trends in the ESG development of the oil and gas production sector and the specific activities of Rosneft.
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