Application of computer-aided design method to optimize the modeling and design stages for industrial products




Industrial design, Industrial products, Realistic 3D model, Object visualization, SolidWorks, Realistic modeling, Design project


The paper aims to analyze the stages of modeling and visualization of industrial product prototypes. The authors describe the process of creating a virtual model, as close as possible to a realistic image of the product, considering the requirements of industrial design. The SolidWorks computer-aided design system in the PhotoView 360 application is used to build the model and develop the design project. The study notes that the quality of computer modeling and visualization of 3D parts directly depends on the main functional parameters, including many input data needed to develop a technical specification, the graphic component containing the results of framework and 3D modeling, the time of parameter processing for further visualization, etc. The study identifies the advantages of using various effects to visualize industrial objects.


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Como Citar

Xiang, Z., Jinghao, X., & Nazarov, Y. (2023). Application of computer-aided design method to optimize the modeling and design stages for industrial products. Revista Gestão & Tecnologia, 23, 38–52.

