employment, self-employment, freelancing, self-employed market, unemployment, stability, Fuzzy Logic.Resumo
The study develops an understanding of the environment for the functioning of the self-employed market and provides its current assessment. A model based on the theory of fuzzy sets is used to determine the level of stability of the functioning of the self-employed market in the Russian Federation, specifically through Mamdani fuzzy inference algorithms. The survey sample includes 12 experts, who responded to the survey questions (N = 22) voluntarily. Calculations for the study are performed in Matlab. The results obtained give evidence that the level of stability of the Russian self-employed market equals 0.5, which falls into the third interval of the five-level classification. This set is characterized by the following linguistic definition – the functioning of the market is stable, and its characteristics correspond to the “satisfactory (average)” level. This suggests that the market for the self-employed in the Russian Federation has fairly good potential for growth, as there are no signs of its slowdown.Referências
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