Assessing the security of a machine-building enterprise
economic security, enterprise, evaluation, indicators, methods, toolsResumo
The relevance of the chosen topic is the insufficient development of the problem of assessing the economic security of organizations. Unfortunately, there is still no unified approach and methodology for assessing economic security in terms of processes at the enterprise (not only in terms of financial), and consideration in the aggregate influence of threats and risks, factors of external influence. Conducting an economic security assessment of a machine-building enterprise requires a considerable amount of time, and the use of different methodologies. The purpose of this article is to study the factors affecting economic security, including machine-building enterprises, and acting as indicators in the development of tools for assessing the economic security of the machine-building enterprise. Particular attention in the work is paid to determining the directions of improving the toolkit for analyzing the economic security of enterprises and developing a toolkit for analyzing the economic security of the enterprise, which specifies the main indicators in terms of threats to economic security for machine-building enterprises.Referências
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