Influence of Peer-to-Peer Lending on transformation of financial architecture and ecosystem
Peer-to-peer lending, Ecosystem, Architecture, Finance, Funding roundsResumo
The goal of the study is to determine the impact of peer-to-peer lending on transformation processes in the financial architecture and ecosystem. The study hypothesizes that peer-to-peer lending is transforming the financial architecture and ecosystem of the financial market, creating additional positive effects for both consumers and businesses. To investigate these problems, the authors rely on the methodology of the systems approach, emphasizing the importance of using the case-based method and scenario simulation methods to understand the place, role, and prospects of peer-to-peer lending in the developing financial ecosystem as well as in the transformation processes of the financial architecture. The study results in the following conclusions. It is revealed that the peer-to-peer lending market is part of the financial market and has the most significant points of contact with the credit market and the market of microfinance and microcredit organizationsReferências
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